Monday, May 7, 2012

Happy Monday!

Happy Monday beautiful people! I know its Monday, and lots of people have a bad case of the "Monday's". You know, the time of the week where you dread waking up, getting dressed, and spending the rest of your day at the job you dont like, with people you dont like. We've all been there!

Well, its Monday for me too. My day consists of other tasks such as getting my hair blown out and styled by a possible new freelance Beauty Angel for my team, styling a client on my "off" day, running errands, and picking up things for my studio. I have to say that even though I wish I could just hang at home and relax all day, I do feel blessed that I'm able to wake up, drink my coffee, take my time and write this blog to you, do a load of laundry, and then go to "work" on this Monday at a place that I love with people I enjoy being around.

So, while I dont have a full out "new" blog post for you today, I wanted to leave you guys with this little bit of food for though from a previous blog post that I created about a month or so ago. I think its very fitting for a Monday morning. Food For Though..

I'll be working on some new blog posts for you guys, and they will be up very soon. I hope that everyone has an amazing day, and if by chance I dont get a chance to blog again this week, I wish you an amazing week as well!

Peace, love, and beauty <3


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